
Harga Paket Trekking Sentul Beginner – Murah dan Berkualitas

Package trekking sentul cheap with the best quality and reliable service. Only 1 hour from Jakarta. The number of destination options that you can choose according to your ability. Beginner Trekking is perfect for those who are trekking to Sentul for the first time.

Fasilitas Trekking Sentul


Start form :

IDR 160.000


Several choices of trekking route destinations in Sentul that we have ensured safety and easy trails for children, adults or beginners. And for elderly trekking routes there are only 2 that we highly recommend.

Trekking trips in Sentul for beginner levels that will pass through rice fields, rivers, plantations, pine forests and ending at the waterfall. Almost all trekking routes in Sentul must end in water, either waterfalls, rivers or hot springs sourced from Mount Pancar.

Curug Leuwi Asih is one of the most favorite trekking routes in Sentul, because the terrain is very easy and can be passed by both children and the elderly. The distance is only 4 km with a duration of approximately 3-4 hours including walking, resting, photo hunting and swimming.

During the trip you will pass through rivers, rice fields, pine forests, 360 degree landscape view of Sangkuriang Hill and finally ending at Leuwi Asih Waterfall. For this part of Bukit Sangkuriang you can continue there or through the village path and even then the results of the agreement between you and your family and the sentul trekking guide team.

Basically we do not insist on always going to Sangkuriang Hill, it all depends on the situation and conditions of the participants and the results of mutual agreement.

Here are some pictures or videos of Trekking Bukit Sangkuriang – Curug Leuwi Asih

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How interesting isn’t it? Besides being fun, trekking activities in Sentul will make you healthier and get free oxygen.. hehe.

Frequently Asked Questions

The questions below are the most frequently asked questions to our Customer Service

Yes, we have a team of guides who are very experienced and have been certified by BNSP and are members of the Indonesian Tour Guide Association (HPI) | Association of Indonesian Mountain Guides (APGI) | Indonesian Experiential Learning Association (AELI) | Indonesian Goa Tourism Association (ASTAGA)
We have covered both participants and guides with 2 insurances, namely insurance from the tour manager and travel insurance from us as many as service providers. (Double Cover)
Guide Trekking Sentul is very safe and we protect ourselves and consumers with clear company instruments and documents, which can be requested from our marketing staff.
Yes, Gradually almost all of our guides have participated in FIRST AID activities
Yes, we have been vaccinated, because we should take good care of ourselves, so that everyone stays healthy
For now we have not held any open trip activities and this trekking activity is only PRIVATE and not combined with other groups
Guide trekking Sentul is a socially centered local business community, and we establish eco-tourism enterprises that explore the local natural environment.

Karang Tengah, Kec. Babakan Madang,

Kabupaten Bogor, Jawa Barat 16810

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